[Tfug] FreeBSD update

christopher floess skeptikos at gmail.com
Tue Nov 27 19:37:13 MST 2007

Just wanted to let everyone know that my long awaited
freebsd upgrade is nearing. I decided that at the end
of the semester I would go from 5.4 to 6.2 and that
time is almost here. In fact, a week from now, being
done with my last CS assignment, I might actually be
able to start.

I'd like to go by way of 'make build world', etc, but
going on Predrag's recommendation and past
experience, I'm not going to try to go through such
a jump by updating sources. Instead I'm going for a
fresh install, then I'm going to upgrade the ports tree
before adding any software.

I'm hoping to get the latest version of Eclipse and
I'm hoping I'll be able to get flash 9 working for
FreeBSD native opera. In the past I've always
had to use Linux-Opera if I wanted to use flash.

Besides that, all of my software desires have
always been met by FreeBSD.

Any way, I just thought I'd let everyone know, since
I know you spend your days thinking about my
system and because I'm bursting with excitement
about it. My system has treated me well for some
time now, and I've decided it would be nice to see
what's changed with the release of new FreeBSD
Leopard :)

Thanks for listening and wish me luck. I'll keep
you posted ~ Chris

"The first 20 years is just to figure out if you're really
interested..."  ~ Gerry Lopez

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