[Tfug] No warranty for software

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 27 19:23:00 MST 2006

--- sitkaa at email.arizona.edu wrote:

> Touche.
> Perhaps the acceptability of software glitches is
> easier because they can be
> easily fixed with an update. There are no physical
> parts to replace, only code that needs to be
> Earth sheeple are easy. Ce la vie.

Perhaps the subtlety of my argument was missed :-(

If the "hardware-included" product has NO hardware
defects AND if largely a software product running
*on* a piece of hardware (i.e. you are really
buying a piece of SOFTWARE), it is expected to
perform reliably.  Not so if that software is
unbundled and resold as "pure software".

E.g., your if your ipod has buggy software and
that manifests itself as a buzz/whistle/pop/etc.
in certain songs, you would complain and want it
"fixed".  Yet, if the same MP3 decoder (software)
runs on your desktop WITH THE SAME DEFECTS, people
just grumble and live with it!

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