[Tfug] Fedora vrs. RHEL

Joshua Bernstein bjosh at engr.arizona.edu
Mon Oct 18 12:10:32 MST 2004


	In my experience, software for RHEL will run on Fedora usually without 
any issues. You may have to make an extra symlink for a library, or 
install an extra RPM on Fedora to get it up to snuff with what that 
program is. Also, in one case I had to lie to an install script about 
the output of uname -a to get the software installed... What compiler 
are you using? If its PGI I can tell you it runs fine on Fedora...


On Oct 18, 2004, at 12:02 PM, Jim Secan wrote:

> I'm wanting to upgrade a commercial product (compiler) that is 
> purported to
> work on the RHEL v3 WS distro.  The vendor (sales, anyway) says they 
> don't
> support Fedora and don't know if they ever will.  I had thought that 
> Fedora
> and RHEL were going to be pretty close to the same distro, with RHEL
> lagging Fedora for the sake of stability and providing more glitz and
> hand-holding than Fedora (a little bit being more than none).  Am I off
> base here, or will something that says it will run on RHEL vX also run 
> on
> whatever Fedora release corresponds to X?  If yes, is there some way to
> cross-reference RHEL versions to Fedora versions?
> Jim
> *---------------------*-------------------------------*
> | Jim Secan           | Northwest Research Assoc, Inc |
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> | (520) 319-7773      | Tucson, Arizona 85719         |
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