[Tfug] Web/DB form processing, IE double posting

Choprboy choprboy at dakotacom.net
Thu Oct 14 18:14:58 MST 2004

On Thursday 14 October 2004 03:24 pm, Stephen Hooper wrote:
> On Thu, 2004-10-14 at 15:01, Choprboy wrote:
> > Can somebody give me some more info about this if they've seen it? Or 
> > yet, a work around that doesn't have to be applied to every webform?
> Can you present a sample web page that exercises the doubling phenomena?

Unfortunately not, the web pages are on an internal site... At this point, the 
only thing I can think is that it is the javascript submit problem described 
in several places... The form that is really causing me problems at the 
moment does have a:
<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" name=\"save\" tabindex=\"50\" 
value=\"Save And Email\" onclick=\"javascript:reg.submit();\">

A "type=submit" with a "javascript:submit" function is the IE problem alluded 
to in several places. But, to make things difficult, I haven;t been able to 
verify a pattern because the double POST does not happen in a reliable 
fashion... I'm guess-timating I'm seeing 1 double POST every 20-30 form 
submitions... but it varies from several in a row to none for a long time... 
so there isn;t way for me to "verify" a fix. I guess I'll just go in and 
change all 30 or so "type=submit" form inputs and see if it keeps happening.

> Obviously, the best thing to do to ensure against this kind of double
> entry would be to give each request a unique id, and keep state.

Yah, I think I'm going to have to end up doing something like that anyway... 
The way the app was originally written, it only keeps track (in server-side 
session vars) of the current form information (for tracking changes). So when 
someone opens several windows at once with different records you get 
cross-corruption when the form is submitted... But that's another issue...


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