[Tfug] Web/DB form processing, IE double posting

Stephen Hooper schooper at email.arizona.edu
Thu Oct 14 15:24:17 MST 2004

On Thu, 2004-10-14 at 15:01, Choprboy wrote:

> Can somebody give me some more info about this if they've seen it? Or better 
> yet, a work around that doesn't have to be applied to every webform?

Can you present a sample web page that exercises the doubling phenomena?

Search results in google return some interesting discussions, one of
them being about JavaScript problems, another about multipart forms.

I can think of two ugly things you can do to fix it without touching any
existing forms.  Neither of them is a good solution, hopefully you will
get some better ones.

1) You could probably write a "forward" app, which just discards the
same submission, from the same host, within the a given timeframe, but
forwards everything else to whatever form it was destined for. Not very

2) If you tag submissions with some kind of ticket, then you could do
something similar but discard duplicate tickets.  Not a great answer

Obviously, the best thing to do to ensure against this kind of double
entry would be to give each request a unique id, and keep state.

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