[Tfug] Web/DB form processing, IE double posting

Choprboy choprboy at dakotacom.net
Thu Oct 14 15:01:44 MST 2004

Anybody have problems with IE double posting form data into their website 
forms? This is just completely screwing up my database. I have been racking 
my brain trying to figure out why this is happening and had to resort to 
ugly, ugly lock-step hacks in my web code to try and catch and delete the 
second post information. But I'm still having lots of problems with double 
entries into my database.

I originally thought it was a website problem, but after lots and lots of 
debugging, network sniffing, and following logs, every case has been a double 
post by IE. For example, I see something like: Oct-01 12:01:23 GET /dataform.php HTTP/1.1 (IE)
<some time goes by as the user fills in the form> Oct-01 12:02:34 POST /dataform.php HTTP/1.1 (IE) Oct-01 12:01:35 POST /dataform.php HTTP/1.1 (IE)

I have been screaming of the users about double-clicking the form submit, 
which they swear they don't... After a lot of Googling I finally found this 
(unfortunately, "double post" in Google is overwhelled by rules/complaints 
about double/crossposting to forums):

Can somebody give me some more info about this if they've seen it? Or better 
yet, a work around that doesn't have to be applied to every webform?


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