[Tfug] Web/DB form processing, IE double posting

Eric Balsa eric at sysdump.com
Thu Oct 14 15:40:19 MST 2004

Hey Adrian, 

I found some info about a problem that is probably *not* related, but I
thought I would send it to everyone as it solved my problem and was related
to exclusively IE, Apache (you didn't say what HTTP server you are using)
and POSTed variables being dropped from the POST request. Here was the
solution I got:

	We are testing a workaround for this problem -- at this point I
cannot say
	if this has fixed the problem, or simply made it a lot less likely
to occur.
	The workaround was simply to turn off HTTP keepalive on the server.
	this has resulted in reduced performance, at least our web
application is
	working properly again.

HTH, but like I said, its not the same symptoms, but piqued my brain cells
since it sounded somewhat familiar. Give it a try, but I am not so sure it
will fix your problems (it did fix mine).


-----Original Message-----
From: tfug-bounces at tfug.org [mailto:tfug-bounces at tfug.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2004 3:02 PM
To: tfug at tfug.org
Subject: [Tfug] Web/DB form processing, IE double posting

Anybody have problems with IE double posting form data into their website
forms? This is just completely screwing up my database. I have been racking
my brain trying to figure out why this is happening and had to resort to
ugly, ugly lock-step hacks in my web code to try and catch and delete the
second post information. But I'm still having lots of problems with double
entries into my database.

I originally thought it was a website problem, but after lots and lots of
debugging, network sniffing, and following logs, every case has been a
double post by IE. For example, I see something like: Oct-01 12:01:23 GET /dataform.php HTTP/1.1 (IE) <some time goes
by as the user fills in the form> Oct-01 12:02:34 POST /dataform.php HTTP/1.1 (IE) Oct-01 12:01:35 POST /dataform.php HTTP/1.1 (IE)

I have been screaming of the users about double-clicking the form submit,
which they swear they don't... After a lot of Googling I finally found this
(unfortunately, "double post" in Google is overwhelled by rules/complaints
about double/crossposting to forums):

Can somebody give me some more info about this if they've seen it? Or better
yet, a work around that doesn't have to be applied to every webform?

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