[Tfug] Meetup meetings this week? (like a tree falling in a deserted forest where no one hears it?)

EK Martin penguin at plus.nu
Tue Oct 5 14:54:01 MST 2004

Well, actually, I did sign up for an account, but there isn't a way to 
contact members with the free account.  Since many of the people who 
apparently signed up for Meetup are also on this list, I thought I'd post 
here in the hopes that someone might know if the scheduled meetings are 
actually going to happen.

But alas, it seems that no one really wants to meet up... Guess I'll have to 
check into TCS sigs.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Niswander" <cn.tfug.account at bitboost.com>
To: "Tucson Free Unix Group" <tfug at tfug.org>
Sent: Monday, October 04, 2004 4:46 PM
Subject: [Tfug] Meetup meetings this week? (like a tree falling in a 
deserted forest where no one hears it?)

> At 11:16 PM 10/2/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>>Does anyone know if the MySql or PHP meetups are going to actually happen?
> They are supposed to take place Monday and Thursday, but it doesn't look
> like anyone set a place.
>>Just wondering...
>>tfug mailing list
>>tfug at tfug.org
> Or is Meetup being unclear or misleading, do you mean? :-/
> Several weeks ago (having years ago signed up as a member
> of Tucson Perl Meetup Group) I received an email like this:
> | Since you haven't RSVPed yet, you might not know that Tucson Perl Meetup
> Group
> | has an event in two weeks.
> |
> | See who's coming and help your Organizer better plan the event by 
> RSVPing:
> | http://perl.meetup.com/47/events/?eventId=3073869&action=detail
> |
> | What: Tucson Perl September Meetup
> |
> | When: Thursday, September 16 at 7:00PM Where: Broadway Cafe 4330 East
> Broadway
> | Tucson AZ 85716 520-327-1957
> |
> | Event Description:
> When I finally found my old Meetup login information,
> and signed in using my Meetup account, I learned
> that not a single Tucson Perl Meetup member (of the several in Tucson
> who had signed up at one time or another in the last several years)
> had voted on a location, agreed to attend, or given any evident signs
> of having received the invitation.  I felt disappointed.
> So I guess Meetups are like a tree falling in a deserted forest:
> the meetup "happens", but maybe no one will be
> there to see it, hear it, or participate in any way.  :-/
> Wouldn't *that* be a nice introduction to your new user group? :-(
> To find out if the event will really happen or only "happen"
> in a completely false way, you would have to sign up for an account with
> Meetup,
> find the group that interests you, and look for information
> about it.  The only good things I can say about that are,
> it doesn't seem to take very long, and the system looks
> at least superficially like *maybe* it would be good if
> the right number of people were actually using it. :-/
> It *is* usable enough that I got a new cost-free account,
> signed up as Tucson Perl Meetup Group Organizer,
> and resigned from that exalted position, all in maybe 2-10 minutes. :-)
> Chris
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