[Tfug] Meetup meetings this week? (like a tree falling in a deserted forest where no one hears it?)

Chris Niswander cn.tfug.account at bitboost.com
Mon Oct 4 16:46:12 MST 2004

At 11:16 PM 10/2/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>Does anyone know if the MySql or PHP meetups are going to actually happen?
 They are supposed to take place Monday and Thursday, but it doesn't look
like anyone set a place.
>Just wondering...
>tfug mailing list
>tfug at tfug.org

Or is Meetup being unclear or misleading, do you mean? :-/

Several weeks ago (having years ago signed up as a member
of Tucson Perl Meetup Group) I received an email like this:

| Since you haven't RSVPed yet, you might not know that Tucson Perl Meetup
| has an event in two weeks.
| See who's coming and help your Organizer better plan the event by RSVPing:
| http://perl.meetup.com/47/events/?eventId=3073869&action=detail
| What: Tucson Perl September Meetup
| When: Thursday, September 16 at 7:00PM Where: Broadway Cafe 4330 East
| Tucson AZ 85716 520-327-1957
| Event Description:

When I finally found my old Meetup login information,
and signed in using my Meetup account, I learned
that not a single Tucson Perl Meetup member (of the several in Tucson
who had signed up at one time or another in the last several years)
had voted on a location, agreed to attend, or given any evident signs
of having received the invitation.  I felt disappointed.

So I guess Meetups are like a tree falling in a deserted forest:
the meetup "happens", but maybe no one will be
there to see it, hear it, or participate in any way.  :-/
Wouldn't *that* be a nice introduction to your new user group? :-(

To find out if the event will really happen or only "happen"
in a completely false way, you would have to sign up for an account with
find the group that interests you, and look for information
about it.  The only good things I can say about that are,
it doesn't seem to take very long, and the system looks
at least superficially like *maybe* it would be good if 
the right number of people were actually using it. :-/
It *is* usable enough that I got a new cost-free account,
signed up as Tucson Perl Meetup Group Organizer,
and resigned from that exalted position, all in maybe 2-10 minutes. :-)


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