[Tfug] Meetup meetings this week? (like a tree falling in adeserted forest where no one hears it?)

Chris Niswander cn.tfug.account at bitboost.com
Tue Oct 5 18:31:08 MST 2004

At 02:54 PM 10/5/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>Well, actually, I did sign up for an account, but there isn't a way to 
>contact members with the free account.  Since many of the people who 
>apparently signed up for Meetup are also on this list, I thought I'd post 
>here in the hopes that someone might know if the scheduled meetings are 
>actually going to happen.
>But alas, it seems that no one really wants to meet up... Guess I'll have to 
>check into TCS sigs.

The closest thing TCS has to MySQL or PHP Sigs are the
general Developers SIG (people who develop software,
mostly professionals, meets at 7pm at 4444 E. Grant
first Tuesday of the month, i.e. tonight),
the Computer Professionals SIG (they are computer professionals,
including some programmers and sysadmins) and the Linux SIG
(it's like TFUG!?).

I guess you could try starting a TCS Sig for one or more of these
topics that interest you?  I thought about trying to get
a more general 'portable scripting languages UG' going but I never
quite committed to the work involved and I got rather busy with other
things.  But I'll show up to your first meeting if I can (almost certainly)
and I promise I've used both PHP and MySQL before. :-)


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