[Tfug] Spaces in Filenames (was Samba question - using the Eller...)

ewf erich at dakotacom.net
Sun Oct 3 16:08:35 MST 2004

         I used to get e-mails with attachments represented by a 
filename populated
with blanks.  I used to see  this more prevalently in the Mac world. 
Owners of
Macs had a penchant for this, but recently its been a non-issue because 
of the
security risk that's grown around attachments.

          I don't ever recall seeing a TFUG message with an attachment, 
for example.


Jeremy Rogers wrote:

>I for one hate filename spaces. I also hate filenames that are sentences. I
>secretly seeth and fume everytime I get a file called "report on the
>experiment we did on tuesday.doc". I get more and more of these from
>poeple, and although linux has ways of coping pretty well using \ and
>quotes, its begging for some hard to track down error like the samba issue.
>I love flexability, and am no fan 8.3 limitations, but I just think its
>bad form to use spaces. I don't know, maybe I'm a bit of a throwback too. 
>On Sat, 2 Oct 2004 10:32:06 -0700 (GMT-07:00) Mike Martinet
><mmrtnt at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>I had kinda thought that the filename-space problem was a thing of the past.  I'm a bit of a throwback - I hate spaces in filenames because I'm always afraid it's going to come back and bite me - but when I receive things from people with spaces in the names, I don't compulsively change them.
>>What's the general thinking on this?
>>Message: 4
>>Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2004 09:28:53 -0700
>>From: "Peter Merritt" <pwmerritt at weirdwater.org>
>>Subject: RE: [Tfug] Samba question - using the Eller college network
>>To: "Tucson Free Unix Group" <tfug at tfug.org>
>>	<DDA521CA79BBA945B2ADD354E85F63550A2E5D at mulk.Weirdwaterorg.local>
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
>>Sorry need more coffee smbclient  --user ecoprint //Eller-2ks/Economics\ Common
>>                                                                                                               Peter

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