[Tfug] MythTV Setup

ewf erich at dakotacom.net
Fri Oct 1 20:27:08 MST 2004

           I've gotten most of the hardware I need, and I'm addressing 
the issue
of partition space allotment. In my first pass I partitioned a 120G 
drive as

   Device Boot    Start      End                     Blocks             
             Id          System
/dev/hda1             1            14593                 117218241      
              5           Extended
/dev/hda5             2             244                         1959867 
                  83          Linux
/dev/sda6            245          257                           104391  
                 82          Linux swap
/dev/sda7            258          14593                115153881         
         8e          Linux LVM

           As you can see, the systemspace is about 2G, and the 
userspace 115G;  but,
looking at the literature, I think I need more systemspace for MySQL. 
Can anybody
look at their MythTV setup and tell me their systemspace size?


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