[Tfug] MythTV Setup

John Gruenenfelder johng at as.arizona.edu
Fri Oct 1 21:39:05 MST 2004

>          As you can see, the systemspace is about 2G, and the 
>userspace 115G;  but,
>looking at the literature, I think I need more systemspace for MySQL. 
>Can anybody
>look at their MythTV setup and tell me their systemspace size?
>                                                        Cheers,
>                                                       Erich

I see that you are using LVM for your data area, but I would recommend using
LVM for everything but root (and /boot if you have one).  That will make these
issues much less important since it will be easy to change later.  That said,
here is my machine's layout:

Filesystem        Size      Used     Avail  Use% [        ] Mounted on
/dev/hda1          14M     1746k       12M  12.0 [#       ] /boot
/dev/hda2         230M       59M      171M  26.0 [##      ] /
/dev/vg0/home    1014M      322M      691M  32.0 [###     ] /home
/dev/vg0/tmp      495M      328k      494M   0.0 [        ] /tmp
/dev/vg0/usr     2490M     1147M     1342M  46.0 [####    ] /usr
/dev/vg0/var      495M      246M      248M  50.0 [####    ] /var  
/dev/vg0/video    139G      132G     7197M  95.0 [########] /var/lib/mythtv

This output is courtesy of 'pydf'.  The Myth databases are stored on /var
which I allotted 0.5 GB of space and it is now half full.  Specifically, the
Mysql database for Myth is occupying about 125 MB of space and has been
running for a while.  I would expect it to grow a little more over time, but
probably not by a whole lot.

--John Gruenenfelder    Research Assistant, Steward Observatory, U of Arizona
                        johng at as.arizona.edu
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