[Tfug] [Bulk] hot spot vpn

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 15 23:10:57 MST 2013

Hi Tyler,

On 1/15/2013 10:39 PM, Tyler Kilian wrote:
> Adding hotspot to an iPhone is something like $20.

[I don't use a cell phone...]

And then the data that comes through the phone to your laptop
just looks like more "phone data" (for billing purposes)?

> It forms a wireless SSID that you connect to using wifi from any
> device you wish.  You first, of course, need an iPhone in this example.
> We use them at work to connect laptops during emergencies away from
> the office.  Works great.

For a "business expense", I guess you (personally) aren't too concerned
with the cost of each byte transfered, etc.  Are there practical limits
on this?  I.e., why doesn't *every* iPhone owner use their iPhone for
this purpose (instead of having some other ISP at home)?  If it was
*just* $20, that seems like a deal!

> Android phones do it too, of course.

[You listening, Liz?  :> ]

> The Bluetooth "tethering" has pretty much gone the way of the dodo.

Wow, from a hardware standpoint, seems like a bad choice:  now
you need the phone's radio, wifi *and* bluetooth radios all in
the same box!


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