[Tfug] Pizza-box power problem

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 14 12:42:01 MST 2012

On 12/14/2012 12:04 PM, erich wrote:
> I can't reply to your message. There's some sort of permission problem
> I have with TFUG. I'll try to iron it out.


> I first suspected the power supply,
> I was surprised that you could find a replacement. However the problem
> is still there with the new supply.

Kinda rules out the PS, then!  :>

> I like this machine. It's not fast, but its a good x-host from which I run
> other faster/newer machines that are dedicated to archiving, ps viewing,
> fast newer browser, gimp. Best of all I was able to configure it to display
> to an 8x10 flatscreen without distortion and very high resolution.

I understand.  I'm the *last* person to try to convince you to replace
when you (might) repair!

(just the hassle of reinstalling and reconfiguring is enough to
discourage me from that effort!)

> I hate to buy anything new. Especially PC's.

I probably spend 90% of my time in emacs hosted on a little x-terminal
(that I've repurposed as my DNS, TFTP, NTP, etc. box) *from* an
x-terminal.  Definitely nothing *new* or *fast*, there!  (OTOH, most
of the "cycles" that matter are happening in my head and not either
of those two bits of hardware).

Hopefully, lessening the load on the machine (note this is not
just a power supply issue -- the power has to get *from* the PS
*to* all of the individual bits that consume it, hence the
problem) will let you identify a definite difference in the
machine's symptoms.  Diagnosing problems is all about noting
differences!  (and correlating with causality)

Many years ago, a neighbor was having problems with a PC and asked
me to look into it (the adage used to be "Never let someone know
you can fix a TV or you;ll be forever fixing TV's".  Now, it's
"Never let someone know you can fix a PC..."  :< ).

I couldn't get Windows to install.  Finally, installed it using
a different machine and then physically moved the disk to the
"bad" machine -- where it ran perfectly!  Turns out, the heavy
disk activity (CD+hard disk) during the installation was causing
supply voltages to go out of spec -- enough for the processor to
hiccup.  My first "bad cap" experience (so now I view wacky
symptoms *first* with this in mind).

Manufacturer (IBM) replaced MB for her and that was the end of that!


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