[Tfug] I've got leeches!

Steve Franks bahamasfranks at gmail.com
Thu Feb 3 13:52:50 MST 2011

Hey guys,

I'm not too uptight about people occasionally riding my wireless in
the neighbourhood, but someone's had the guts to put tomato (according
to nmap) on a WRT54L and leave it up fulltime, which makes me a little
more suspicious of their motives.  Besides making their life annoying
by putting WPA2 on my AP, I'd really like to meet them - I didn't know
anyone lived in my hood smart enough to pull that off (not rocket
science, but most of my neighbours are in their 90's) - anyone know
how I might use something like Kismet to locate them?  Normally, only
AP's that broadcast show up, not the clients that are attached...


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