[Tfug] Removable carrier in USB case?

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 26 11:18:47 MST 2009

Hi Tom,

> > > For stuff like this, I've actually got dongle that's just
> > > an ATA (and laptop HD sized ATA) to USB connector.
> > 
> > Hmmm... so how do you get power to the drive?  (since
> > 3" drives tend to use more power than is available via
> > a USB port)  I assume your gizmo just "dangles in the
> > breeze"?  (i.e., not an enclosure)
> I should have said, it also came with an external PS (with
> various adapters for the various types of connector needed).

Ah, OK.  But, it freestands?  So, you slap it on the back
end of a drive while you are using the drive (and sit the
drive itself on a stack of paper or other insulator).
Could you reasonably expect to use the drive in this
configuration for any period of time?  For example, format
the drive and copy several (100?) GB of data onto it before
disconnecting it?


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