[Tfug] top/bottom and middle posting

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 19 10:05:36 MST 2009

Hi, Steve,

--- On Wed, 2/18/09, Steve Franks <bahamasfranks at gmail.com> wrote:

> > Chances are, you'll be able to *buy* a new Ford next year;
> > not so sure about that Chevy... ;-)
> But would you want to?

Ah, well... that's a subject for a different thread!  :>
I wonder if "speculators" will be rushing to "horde" Dodge's
before *they* go belly up??  :-/

> Me, I'm still driving my '81 if the weather's
> too crappy to ride.  Put in gas, oil, a new tranny every
> 100k (on my 3rd), new paint every 25 years, and total cost
> of ownership sits around $50/mo...

<grin>  Preaching to the choir!  '85 Monte Carlo w/ 66K original
on it.  I figure I should be able to get *another* 20 years out
of it since they don't use salt in Tucson!  :>  Apparently, MC's
are sought after here in Tucson (?) -- as I am routinely
approached by "strangers" offering to buy the car... *before*
they even see the odometer!

Though my insurance alone hits that $50/month figure -- almost
exactly!  :-/

> course it helps if you feel the same way about
> vehicles as computers (they're fun to tinker with!).

Exactly.  Intake manifold gasket is next on my list
(but I'm too busy with other distractions to get to it
until Spring).


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