[Tfug] Hackintosh vs. Linux

Malcolm Schmerl mjs355 at comcast.net
Thu Feb 5 01:47:58 MST 2009

> Right, and that's true in the Windows world too.  Ask Microsoft about
> OS support for a Pentium1 with 64megs RAM for example and they'll
> laugh at you.  Ask "the Linux community" on the other hand and you'll
> be pointed to Puppy Linux, Damn Small Linux and the like.
> The only reason people have tolerated hardware obsolescence made
> mandatory by Microsoft OS upgrades is that PC hardware is cheap.  But
> it's not necessary to tolerate that if you run Linux and have somewhat
> basic needs...hell, by running on hardware that the mainstream crowd
> now just throws out (Pentium3 for example) you can do as much
> computing as you want for free, barring wall-plug power.
> Apple's hardware costs being higher, the OS lockouts and forced
> upgrades hurt even worse.
> Jim
Jim, you've hit the nail on the head! The main thing that's wrong with 
Windows (and Apple) is the endless cycle of software and hardware 
upgrades. I use a computer with a K7M Asus motherboard that happens to 
have good onboard sound with a Athlon 750 chip (basically 10 y/o 
technology) and Ubuntu. This machine is perfectly adequate for my needs. 
It makes an excellent sound system, has all the tools I need for site 
design, GIMP does a good job of handling graphics, and it surfs the web 
well. All I had to do was add a little memory when 8.01 came out. This 
is almost free computing and Linux has made it possible.


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