[Tfug] Let's play "ID this code"! (serious issue actually)

John Gruenenfelder johng at as.arizona.edu
Sun Aug 23 00:27:41 MST 2009

On Sat, Aug 22, 2009 at 09:41:16PM -0700, Jim March wrote:
>I've been given some election databases in some sort of funky format I
>can't even ID yet, almost a gig in size.  File extension is .BAK so
>God only knows...I think some flavor of SQL but not certain.
>Going through them with a text editor (NEdit of all things) I was able
>to find chunks of what appear to be source code.  I've included some
>below.  Some of the dates in here point to it being 2005 or so
>vintage.  Can anybody ID this stuff, even roughly?

It certainly appears to be a form of SQL, but I can't say more.

Just to make sure, did you run "file" on your foo.BAK file?  Maybe, if you're
very lucky, it can tell you exactly what it is.  File knows about an amazingly
large number of data formats... though never the one you happen to be
wondering about at that particular moment.

--John Gruenenfelder    Systems Manager, MKS Imaging Technology, LLC.
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