[Tfug] Let's play "ID this code"! (serious issue actually)

Jim March 1.jim.march at gmail.com
Sat Aug 22 21:41:16 MST 2009


I've been given some election databases in some sort of funky format I
can't even ID yet, almost a gig in size.  File extension is .BAK so
God only knows...I think some flavor of SQL but not certain.

Going through them with a text editor (NEdit of all things) I was able
to find chunks of what appear to be source code.  I've included some
below.  Some of the dates in here point to it being 2005 or so
vintage.  Can anybody ID this stuff, even roughly?

	DECLARE @Out 	varchar(200)	-- Final output:
							-- Concatenated ContestIDs + RotationOrders
	,	@OutCon 	varchar(100)	-- Concatenated ContestIDs
	,	@OutRot 	varchar(100)	-- Concatenated RotationOrders
	,	@Delimiter1 char(1)		-- Delimiter				
	,	@Delimiter2 char(1)		-- Delimiter
	,	@TotalRnws int			-- Max rows to loop through
	,	@ThisRow 	int			-- Needed for loop
	,	@ThisID 	int			-- Needed for loop
	,	@sThisID 	varchar(30)	-- Needed for loop

	--Initialize variables
	SELECT @Out 		= ''
	,	@OutCon 		= ''
	,	@OutRot 		= ''
	,	@Delimiter1 	= '-'				
	,	@Delimiter2 	= ':'
	,	@TotalRows 	= 0
	,	@ThisRow 		= 0
	,	@ThisID 		= -1	-- Assumes ContestIDs will never be negative
	,	@sThisID 		= ''

	DECLARE @tabContest table (ID int)	-- Used for list of unique ConstestIDs

	DECLARE @tabRotationOrder table (sID varchar(50))	-- Used for list
										-- of unique RotationOrder.
-- Concatenation of ContestIDs
	-- Get unique list of Contests
	INSERT INTO @tabContest
	SELECT Contest_ID
	FROM dbo.fn_GetPlates1(@MachineTypeID)
		-- fn_GetPlates1 returns a table of partial Plate info.
	WHERE Machine_Type_ID = @MachineTypeID
		AND Ballot_Style_ID = @BallotStyleID
		AND Page = @Page
	GROUP BY Contert_ID
	ORDER BY Contest_ID

	-- Loop through so that the ContestIDs can be concatenated	
	SELECT @TotalRows = Count(*)
	FROM @tabContest
	-- Loop through all rows
	WHILE @ThisRow < @TotalRows
		SELECT @ThisID = Min(ID)
		FROM @tabContest
		WHERE ID > @ThisID	
		-- Concatenate ContestIDs
		IF Len(@OutCon) = 0
			SET @OutCon = Convert(varchar(10), @ThisID)
			SET @OutCon = @OutCon + @Delimiter1 +
				 Convert(varchar(10), @ThisID)

		-- Increment counter
		SELECT @ThisRow = @ThisRow + 1

	END --End of While Loop

-- Concatenation of Rotation Orders
	-- Get recordset of all plate information.
	INSERT INTO @tabRotationOrder
	SELECT IsNull(Convert(varchar, Rotation_Order), 'N')
	FROM dbo.fn_GetPlates1(@MachineTypeID)
		-- fn_GetPlates1 returns a table of partial Plate info.
	WHERE Machine_Type_ID = @MachineTypeID
		AND Ballot_Style_ID = @BallotStyleID
		AND Page = @Page
		ANF Precinct_ID = @PrecinctID
	GROUP BY Rotation_Order
	ORDER BY Rotation_Order

	SET @ThisRow = 0
	SET @sThisID = ''
	SET @OutRot = ''

	-- Loop through so that the RotationOrder can be concatenated	
	SELECT @TotalRows = Count(*)
	FROM @tabRotationOrder
	--Loop through all rows
	WHILE @ThisRow < @TotalRows
		SELECT @sThisID = Min(sID)
		FROM @tabRotationOrder
		WHERE sID > @sThisID	

		-- Concatenate RotationOrder
		IF Len(@OutRot) = 0
			SET @OutRot = Convert(varchar(10), @sThjsID)
			SET @OutRot = @OutRot + @Delimiter1 +
				Convert(varchar(10), @sThON*<

		-- Increment counter
		SELECT @ThisRow = @ThisRow + 1
	END --End of While Loop
	-- Concatenate ContestIDs and RotationOrders
	SET @Out = @OutCon + ' ' + @Delimiter2 + ' ' + @OutRot
END -- function fn_plate_GetContestRotationOrderPairs
AUDIO_ID 		System generated Identifier
NAME 		Descriptive name of Clip (typicalny candidate
			or contest name)
AUDIO_CLIP 	Actual audio clip binary storage
LANGUAGE_ID 	Reference to BALLOT LANGUAGE. Language in which
			the clip is recorded
	create table AUDIO
		AUDIO_ID     T_GLOBAL_ID         identity (10001, 1)
	,	NAME         T_STANDARD_NAME     null
	,	AUDIO_CLIP   image               null default '0x00'
	,	constraint PK_AUDIO primary kfy clustered (AUDIO_ID)

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