[Tfug] OT: HDTV

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 28 15:41:03 MST 2008

> >> Unless he *really* likes PBS. KUAT-DT comes from Tumamoc
> >> Hill. PBS is the only broadcast television that I would
> >> watch. :)
> >
> > We only watch McNeil-Lehrer [sic] and/or NBR.  Neither of
> > which *warrant* a new HDTV.
> Heh, Robert MacNeil left in 1995.

Sort of like Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard...  :-/
> Those Nature shows on KUAS-DT in 1080i are awesome. For
> comparison, put an SD or Analog TV with the same content
> next to it. Big difference.
> If you put blueneck Jim Lehrer News Hour and redneck Fox
> News in a container, there would be an exothermic reaction
> and violent explosion. The remaining matter would be salty
> water...
> Be sure to get an omni antenna. Most stations are on

Have a universal antenna in the ceiling.  DTV converter
arrived the other day.  Seems to get all the channels
that were available before *except* 4 (xmitter problems?)
and 58 (no loss on either of those counts...)

Bigger problem will be connecting the various VCR/DVD/LVD/etc.
devices to the TV and antenna...  :<

> Bigelow. As mentioned, HD pbs is on Tumamoc. The former
> Catholic license KTTU (good for remastered StarTrek) is on
> the Tucson Mountains. Channel 58 is on the Santa Ritas, but
> I don't watch it. antennaweb is geared toward antenna industry. 
> It is OK but tvfool blows it away. (Coverage maps)


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