[Tfug] Gates-Rockefeller eugenics projects

johngalt1 johngalt1 at uswest.net
Sun Sep 14 23:05:29 MST 2008

Sheesh, Aren't you all getting tired of feeding the troll?

Tranquilize this pot stirring session to be rid of this 
redjac. OK?




----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Malcolm Schmerl" <mjs355 at comcast.net>
To: "John Mc" <jmcneill2 at earthlink.net>; "Tucson Free Unix 
Group" <tfug at tfug.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2008 9:27 AM
Subject: Re: [Tfug] Gates-Rockefeller eugenics projects

> Very well said, John. Thanks for taking the time.
> John Mc wrote:
>> Sorry, I can't let this go. The comment I made last week 
>> about everything being "crystal clear" was a thinly 
>> veiled reference to the movie, A FEW GOOD MEN. That great 
>> American, Nathan R. Jessup, I wrote about is the Jack 
>> Nicholson character, the colonel in charge of pre 9-11, 
>> Gitmo. It was all meant as a joke because I had the time 
>> to accurately look up (and thus reference them in my own 
>> mind for accuracy) the comments I made.
>> Dude, sorry to have to tell you this, but the Jim March 
>> comment below is dead-on accurate. Not all things you 
>> read on that great information source of electrons is 
>> true. Some people just make things up trying to influence 
>> the thinking of others. That is why the web site, 
>> scopes.com was written. I watched that YouTube video you 
>> linked to a week ago. The one with the Linux mascot 
>> inter-spaced in the middle of the grainy video about the 
>> Illumenati. I laughed out loud at that. It was actually 
>> worth the time I spent for the effort. That video gave me 
>> the energy to write the satire comment about now being 
>> "crystal clear in the manner of the great American, 
>> Nathan Jessup." It appears that you weren't part of the 
>> comedy. People seem to just enjoy making things up and 
>> either putting those thoughts on a web page or into an 
>> email with which they can then hit the send button. There 
>> is a scientific difference between facts and opinions. 
>> Facts can be verified by our commonly shared knowl
> edge base, more education and scholarly/academic research. 
> Despite what a lot of opinion pundits inherently claim, 
> everyone isn't entitled to their own facts. Opinions are 
> available to everyone, usually unequally. It is extremely 
> important in this life to understand the difference 
> between facts and opinions. When somebody at a national 
> level, a position of authority because of that soap box, 
> asserts something in a statement, we all take those 
> statements as automatically true until we find out 
> otherwise. Our leadership isn't supposed to lie to us. 
> That's fraud. It is supposed to work that when those 
> statements are shown to be flat out, bold faced lies 
> within hours of being made, and that those statements are 
> easily verified and understood to be lies, we call that 
> person a liar and he/she loses any remaining credibility 
> they may still cling to. Having a conscience and being 
> able to reason is part of what enables a nation of laws 
> and not men. A conscience is required to exist i
> n society without being thrown in jail. A person without a 
> conscience is at best, marginally psychopathic. That is 
> the difference between a Democracy and lesser forms of 
> government. If enough people in society can't reason 
> effectively then you won't have or be able to keep a 
> Democracy.
>> Dude, either get back on your meds or find a different 
>> life outside of posting this crap. What you have been 
>> advocating isn't factual, or even close. It doesn't even 
>> rise to the level of opinion since it is so lame. A 
>> reasonable person, upon viewing the Tux image in the 
>> grainy Illumenati video, understood what it was about. It 
>> was a great, short comedy piece but nothing more. Really. 
>> After that initial posting the subject lost its comic 
>> edge. If you can't think through and understand this then 
>> you need to drop off the list and spend your new found 
>> time improving yourself, educationally speaking. People 
>> who can't think rationally are holding back the future of 
>> mankind. National leaders without a conscience who 
>> repeatedly lie (and thus aren't rational) to their fellow 
>> citizens are at best, just plain evil. They establish a 
>> new low level of behavior that causes mankind to regress 
>> instead of progress.
>> And if you have been doing all this as a running gag, a 
>> joke, then that is just as lame. Just think of the 
>> personal time you have wasted. Try to imagine what you 
>> could have been doing to improve your life. There is a 
>> life outside of sitcoms and trolling the internet for 
>> bites. Go find it.
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