[Tfug] Happy hour this Thursday at Claude's

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Wed Nov 19 16:18:06 MST 2008

On Tue Nov 18, 2008 at 04:07:15PM -0700, Claude Rubinson wrote:
> I'm calling this Thursday's happy hour for my place.  I'm 
> thinking that we can order pizza (and wings), so bring some 
> cash.  Also, please bring soft drinks and beer (or whatever you 
> want to quench your thirst).  I'll plan on people beginning to 
> show up around 6pm.  If you show up earlier, I'll put you to 
> work with any last minute cleaning/prep.

Sounds great - I'll definitely be there!

I think we should coordinate our beer selection a bit so we don't 
get too many of one kind. I don't care what I bring, but here are 
my thoughts:

- Sam Adams Boston Lager
- Guinnes in cans
- Alaskan Summer Ale - a very nice beer that is brewed in the 
  Kolsch style from Koln Germany. And yes, it is perfectly 
  acceptable to drink in the fall. [1]
- Alaskan Amber Ale - an Alt style beer, also from Germany. I 
  prefer the Summer Ale. [2]

[1] http://www.alaskanbeer.com/summer.html
[2] http://www.alaskanbeer.com/amber.html

Thoughts? I think Sam Adams and the Summer Ale are my favorites.

How much do you think I should bring? 12?

Do you have any glass beer mugs? I've got some I can bring. I'll 
be bringing at least one for me.

> We'll be hanging out around the fire pit outside, so bring 
> something warm to put on in case it gets cool.  Which reminds 
> me: if you have any patio chairs (or camping chairs, etc) that 
> you could bring, they'd be appreciated.  I never have enough.

I can bring four nice patio chairs. I'll have to drive the 
mini-van, but I think I'll survive. ;-)

See you tomorrow night! Oh, and I'll try to be early to help with 
anything you need.


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