[Tfug] Spy Bill Debate Comes to an End

Christopher Robbins robbinsc at gmail.com
Thu Jul 10 21:02:49 MST 2008

On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 6:50 PM, johngalt1 <johngalt1 at uswest.net> wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "keif smif" <klsmif2020 at yahoo.com>
> To: "Tucson Free Unix Group" <tfug at tfug.org>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 09, 2008 9:09 PM
> Subject: Re: [Tfug] Spy Bill Debate Comes to an End
> > The violate my rights by not obtaining a search warrant
> > per the 4th Amendment.
> Your rights are/were violated... hypothetically?
> Oh....
> Do you believe they HAVE searched YOU?
> They are reading your emails.
> They are listening to your phone conversations.
> They are doing .... what else to you?
> Have you considered you might be taking 3G media equivalents
> of the National Enquirer too literally?
> In TFUG, I see k* s* references to Ale x Jo nes, and info wa
> rs.com
> If you like those sites, why not consider viewing
> http://www.killinghope.org
> http://truthout.org
> P.S.
> If anyone thinks I'm off-base or otherwise ignorant, please
> explain.
> Thanks.
Why the hell are you so willing to toss aside the Constitution and our
own inalienable rights as American citizens aside so we can "catch the
terrorists"?  It doesn't matter whether or not they have or have not spied
any of us, but we all have the right to be free from unreasonable and
search and seizure.  Why can't the government go to the FISA court and get
warrants if they need to spy on people?  FISA worked for what, 30+ years
to the Bush administration?  The system of checks and balances that keeps
the whole system going is out the window because we supposedly need to be
able to spy at will...Why?

There used to be a time when terrorism was treated as a law enforcement
issue (see the 1993 WTC bombing) and it worked just as well (if not better)
than it did when we treated it as a military problem.  The terrorists at
that time
are just as determined and resourceful as they were before - and the last
we used the FBI to take care of the problem, we actually caught the
involved...Where the hell is Osama, again?

Why were methods that worked prior to the Bush administration suddenly
aside for sweeping changes that threaten our own rights?  And why is this

Chris Robbins
Systems Programmer
Department of English - University of Arizona
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