[Tfug] RDBMS reprise

Tim Ottinger tottinge at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 12:24:39 MST 2008

Bexley Hall wrote:
> Recall I am trying to work with a (severely)
> resource-starved client and databases of
> potentially large size.  The problem is
> handling queries which may return a large
> number of results.
Okay... I need a little more.  How badly do you need the whole set?  Can 
you select a more narrow set (like for list boxes and the like) and then 
get the wider set only after a user selection is made? Do you have to 
have a long, wide data set?  Can you afford round-trips to the server?  
Does the client have local storage?  Can you use version control to 
manage concurrency? Do you hold a transaction open on the server during 
this operation?

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