[Tfug] Setting [u|f]mask on a bind mount

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Wed Sep 5 11:38:18 MST 2007

On 09/01/2007 05:17 PM, John Gruenenfelder wrote:
> The solution I use is a local NFS mount.  The NFS export is 
> localhost:/root/snapshot and it is mounted at /snapshot as a 
> read-only filesystem.
> Mount's bind option won't work for this because when the mount 
> point is remounted as read-write the bind mount would be too.
> Since this goes over the loopback interface it is quite fast, 
> but I'm sure it's not nearly as fast as a bind mount.  Keep 
> this in mind.

NFS is a good idea; I will try it out. I am currently using a 
Samba mount because I needed to share with a Win box also, but it 
seems pretty slow. And I have another machine that also mounts 
this drive, so switching to NFS is probably a good idea. Though I 
wonder if having both Samba and NFS shares of the same directory 
is a bad idea.

My reasons for this stem from paranoia. I see no reason to allow 
the world read access by default. Since it is on my home network 
it is overkill, but I like to prepare for the unknown. For 
example: I will have house guests that I want to allow to use one 
of my computers. But I don't want them to have read access to the 
shared "family" documents. So I want documents created within 
that directory to have permissions of 660.


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