[Tfug] Setting [u|f]mask on a bind mount

John Gruenenfelder johng at as.arizona.edu
Sat Sep 1 17:17:23 MST 2007

On Sat, Sep 01, 2007 at 12:10:29PM -0700, Glen Pfeiffer wrote:
>I asked on linux.debian.user also, and nobody responded to that 
>post yet either. Does anybody here have a suggestion on how to 
>accomplish what I want?

I do something similar to what you want for my snapshot/backup system and for
the same reasons (bind won't work).

The snapshot drive is mounted under /root/snapshot and this is what rsync
accesses.  It's kept read-only until snapshot time when it is briefly
read-write.  But users never need read-write access.

The solution I use is a local NFS mount.  The NFS export is
localhost:/root/snapshot and it is mounted at /snapshot as a read-only

Mount's bind option won't work for this because when the mount point is
remounted as read-write the bind mount would be too.

Since this goes over the loopback interface it is quite fast, but I'm sure
it's not nearly as fast as a bind mount.  Keep this in mind.

--John Gruenenfelder    Research Assistant, UMass Amherst student
                        Systems Manager, MKS Imaging Technology, LLC.
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