[Tfug] Fluxbox key mapping

Glen Pfeiffer glen at thepfeiffers.net
Sun Oct 14 11:56:28 MST 2007

On 10/09/2007 06:33 PM, Claude Rubinson wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 01:53:07PM -0700, Glen Pfeiffer wrote:
>> So I added this to my keys file:
>> Control_R :Lower
>> It didn't do anything. Got any ideas?
> Ctrl-[ didn't work?
No! Neither did <c-o>.

> I'm assuming that you figured it out from JD's other post.  But 
> the more fundamental issue that I was using to gently needle JD 
> was that Fluxbox doesn't have RaiseLower. RaiseLower is an FVWM 
> function that lowers a window if it's on top of another window 
> and raises it when it's obscured.  It's particularly useful 
> when you need to, e.g., transcribe information between 
> overlapping windows.
I am not sure if I understand the RaiseLower functionality 
correctly. Do you mean that whatever window has focus will either 
be raised or lowered in comparison to the other windows? If so, 
then I believe Fluxbox has two separate functions for that: Raise 
and Lower.

The issue that I ran into was that you cannot map just one 
Control key without doing some other steps (someone mentioned 
those in a different email I think). The following maps will 
lower the window with focus with the left and right Control keys, 
and raise the window with focus with Control and the right Alt 

Control Control_R :Lower
Control Alt_R :Raise


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