[Tfug] OT Politics: [TFUG] Bank of America e-mail

christopher floess skeptikos at gmail.com
Fri Nov 23 19:45:35 MST 2007

> IMO, the biggest phonies are leftists who proclaim
> allegiance to "the workers", "the people", or for "the
> greater good"

Leftist here. I would say that phony pro-worker
lefties are no worse than big business libertarians who
advocate free trade. While those  guys are busy "taking
reponsibility for their families", their reaping the benefits
of "free trade". I don't see them complaining about the
subsidies that the U.S. maintains, in spite of its
objection by the poorer countries and the WTO/IMF
(don't ask me which b/c I can't remember right now).

Then when things go sour any way, they complain
about the border and the illegal immigration that has
shot through the roof  since NAFTA.

Ron Paul is pro-life, and pro-big business. He has even
said he would do nothing to impede "free trade". Free
trade is not fair trade and it is as mutually exclusive to
it as it is to democracy.

I'm not going to say social wellfare states are the answer
and I do believe in individual responsibility and
democracy, not centralization and the like, but
most libertarians are no better than their
up-front-about-big-business republican counter parts.

Ok, if this is inappropriate for the list, feel free to
continue this with me at my private address
"The first 20 years is just to figure out if you're really
interested..."  ~ Gerry Lopez

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