[Tfug] Tfug] *Way* OT: Swamp c

Jeremy D Rogers jdrogers at optics.arizona.edu
Wed Jun 20 09:11:33 MST 2007

> What might be an interesting thing for someone to develop would be a cooler
> that doesn't have a sump.
> Directly spray fresh water into the intake of a very thick pad.  The spray
> and internal structure of the pad should be such that water wets the entire
> air flow path.  Then have a processor - a small linux machine - sense the
> cooling, the excess/lack of water -- whatever it needs to sense -- and
> control the flow of air and water.  This would eliminate a bunch of stuff
> that makes coolers less attractive.  -- might even use that in a car, but
> then the EPA disapproved water as a car refridgerant back in the 80's when
> they were forcing the change from freon 12.

But it would have to be DI water with no dissolved solids or the build
up would be a problem. This is why the newer coolers like mastercool
flush the water regularly - the total water volume after some
evaporation is still enough to hold the solids in solution, then they
get flushed and replaced with new water. If 100% of the water used
were evaporated, the buildup of lime and other things would kill the
pad very quickly.

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