[Tfug] Asterisk PBX

Steven Bowers steveb7 at simplybits.net
Tue Jan 16 21:59:21 MST 2007

George and I have been talking about this a little bit off-list. There 
seems to be enough interest in the subject so I thought I'd throw 
something out to the list.

How many of you would be interested in meeting on some Sunday afternoons 
to learn/work/play with this? I have access to a conference room with a 
projector, high speed Internet access, a spare box, a couple of Cisco 
and Polycom IP phones and the requisite pizza place nearby. The location 
would be up in the Sabino Canyon area.

It would sort of be a dry run for the PCC class.

Harry McGregor wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> A few additional notes.
> CIS 225 or reasonable working knowledge of Linux would be a prerequisite.
> I would be teaching more of the Linux install and TCP/IP areas
> George would be teaching more of the Asterisk and Telephony areas.
> Suggestions of meeting times would also be nice (please send them via
> email to George as well).
> Hardware could be an issue (both quality and availability), but we
> should be able to leverage IP technologies to escape most of the
> availability problem (soft phones, SIP and IAX PSTN access accounts). 
> Quality, well if you have taken any of my classes, you know what you are
> in for (failing hard drives mostly).
> We may even be able to convince Nick Lopez to give a guest lecture or
> two on a few areas.
>                                   Harry
> George Cohn wrote:
>> I don't know how many folks on this list are interested in Asterisk, the 
>> open source PBX.
>> I've been talking to Harry and Ron Evans at PCC, trying to get them to 
>> offer a class.  The problem with offering any new class is getting 
>> enough people to sign up to make it worthwhile.
>> The target would be 10-12 confirmed students.  Anyone interested, drop 
>> me a line and I will put together a list and see if we can talk them 
>> into offering it.
>> In the meantime, I've built at least a half dozen Debian based Asterisk 
>> boxes.  One even had a T1 card in it and was interfaced to a Nortel Opt 
>> 81C PBX via primary rate ISDN over a T1. I was able to provide complete 
>> functionality including conference rooms and an interface to their wi-fi 
>> network so I could receive all my office calls on my UTStarcom wi-fi 
>> phone anywhere on campus.
>> I don't work there any more but if anyone is interested in building a 
>> box, I would be happy to help.  If the PCC thing doesn't work out, maybe 
>> a few people would be interested in meeting somewhere on a couple of 
>> weekends and learning a little about it?
>> All we need is a box with a small hard drive and can load Debian from a 
>> net install.  I have a spare Digium FXO-FXS card we could use or we 
>> could just use ztdummy and use something like one of the free or cheap 
>> soft phone services like Broadcom to demonstrate interfacing to the PSTN.
>> George Cohn
>> Tucson
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