[Tfug] 'grub'ing for books...

lukkystarr at excite.com lukkystarr at excite.com
Tue Jan 16 15:44:15 MST 2007

Thanks, I checked it out.  Looks like something I can use.  I know all this stuff can be had on the Internet, it would be kind of nice to have something current in front of me.

I really like the way this html book from Thomson spoon feeds the information.  It's lame, I know.  

My wife works around the corner from the Trident Grill.  Will anyone be offended at the get together if she stops off after work?  She may  feel up to it, she may not.

>The purple Unix System Administrators Handbook or the green Linux  >Administrators Handbook http://www.admin.com/ -- two current editions  >of the same thing. It's a one-stop-shop for everything intermediate  >to advanced. Gives you lots of unhealthy ideas about improvement too >;-)Once you've used it up, the case studies in the back are a good >laugh  (and they're supposed to be). I recommend it to everyone, >whatever  level you're at.I have to admit I've never read purple or >green, because I keep my  treasured red edition. I've never used a >better Unix/Linux book.R.

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