[Tfug] Looking to buy a large CRT (not LCD) monitor

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 16 14:06:58 MST 2007


--- Predrag Punosevac <punosevac72 at gmail.com> wrote:

> The University of Arizona has auctions every second
> Tuesday (nest Tuesday is the one to go)
> They always have monitors but as they are usually
> selling them in bulks of  5 I would have to
> assume that they might not be in working condition.

Be *very* wary of monitors at UofA.  I once asked
a fellow who bought (for resale!) from them what
percentage of monitors were *defective*.  His
estimate was *60* %!

Of course, this may be more true of "PC" monitors
(which are more likely to be discarded due to
*failure* than "obsolescence") than Sun/DEC
"specialty" monitors (e.g., 13W3, 5BNC, etc).

> I bought quite a few PIII from them and hard-disk is
> missing 99.9% of the time and even RAM is often
> missing.

There was a period of time when folks (patrons) were
routinely pilfering parts from one or more machines
to "build" a complete machine "on the floor" which
they would later bid on.  I think Oscar instituted
a policy of taping the machine cases closed to
prevent/discourage this.

The down-side of this is that *you* can't look inside
the machine to see what may be missing, etc.

The 50' extension cord hiding under the shelving is
your friend, here  :>


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