[Tfug] Just starting - need help

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 3 15:39:47 MST 2006

--- Joe Blais <joe.blais at pti-instruments.com> wrote:

> QNX --  :-)
> I worked with that way back when -- It was great ---
> I was trying to get that for this project --but
> bosses like cheap :-(

There's no free lunch -- as you may end up proving to
them in the next few months!  :-/

> The devices we make need some degree of
> real-timedness. XP worked
> sufficiently fast, with a 1gig processor, so we
> figured we could live with Linux on a small card.

Don't fall into the trap of confusing "fast" with
"real-time".  :-(  Make *sure* you understand your
exposure, there (I sincerely doubt the linux kernel
was written -- or REwritten -- with deteministic,
bounded algorithms throughout, etc.).  Many real-time
linux products work by providing a seaparate
mechanism *outside* the kernel that provides
real-time guarantees.  And an interface to Linux
for the non-real-time GUI-type things.

> The problem with winders is the forced upgrades to
> bigger and faster processors means upgrading devices
> we build..... calling home...

Yup.  And,depending on the industry in which you are
working, being unable to escrow sources could be a

> XP embedded is a fallback.

My condolences!  :>

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