[Tfug] XF86???

Claude Rubinson rubinson at u.arizona.edu
Thu Jul 27 11:51:28 MST 2006

On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 10:37:04AM -0700, Chad Woolley wrote:
> This may be a dumb question but if so I I'll probably learn
> something.
> Why not use xorg instead of XF86?  Isn't xorg newer/better?  Does xorg
> not work on a sparc?

It's because Earl's using Debian Stable which is still on XFree86 (the
testing and unstable branches have Xorg).  My guess would be that, for
Earl's needs, Xorg and XFree86 are probably equivalent (unless it
turns out that Xorg's got some drivers that he needs).


> On 7/27/06, Earl <earljviolet at juno.com> wrote:
> > I am trying to install XF86 using Debian stable on a Sparc Ultra
> > 10 Clone. I haven't worked with X before and am not real sure
> > where I am going with it.

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