[Tfug] Windows laptops?

Benjamin Krein superbenk at superk.org
Sun Jul 31 08:41:44 MST 2005

> Also, Cringeley is a sensationalist freak! Intel merging with Apple?  
> Yeah, right. I'm sure the fact that their prototype G5 laptops were  
> frying eggs and required nuclear power had nothing to do with it.
Not to really get off topic, but I think the G5's heat/power  
requirements didn't really have a lot to do with it.  If anything, I  
suspect it's much more to do with Steve Jobs not getting his way with  
IBM some way or another (he does have a reputation of getting pissy  
when he doesn't get his way).

Here is an IBM press release (maybe you've already seen it) about lower  
power requirement G5's:


That being said, I wouldn't go so far as to call Cringley a  
'sensationalist freak', however I agree he does tend to embellish his  
arguments with a bit of imagination (he is an opinion journalist after  

PS  I haven't read the IBM Press release in full (just skimmed it).

Benjamin Krein

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