[Tfug] Mount Question

Paul Scott waterhorse at ultrasw.com
Tue Jul 12 14:47:24 MST 2005

Jim Secan wrote:

>I have a laptop that mounts several nfs filesystems from other servers on
>my office network.  These are all mounted by entries in fstab.  When I take
>the laptop on the road this causes the boot to be on the slow side while
>the system tries to find these fs's to mount.  I can think of a couple of
>hacks around this, but is there some way I can identify in the fstab that
>these systems are not to be mounted at boot time?  I could then mount them
>manually by a "mountall -t nfs" when I'm on the office network and want the
>mounts done.
The noauto option keeps the "mount -a" at boot time from mounting those 
files.  Then you can use the short form mount (either device or mount 
point) to mount when you want.

              mount -a [-t type] [-O optlist]
       (usually given in a bootscript) causes all file systems mentioned 
in fstab (of the proper type and/or  having  or
       not  having  the proper options) to be mounted as indicated, 
except for those whose line contains the noauto key-
       word. Adding the -F option will make mount fork, so that the 
filesystems are mounted simultaneously.


Paul Scott

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