[Tfug] Anyone know a good place to get printer ribbons online?

Jer_57 (Cox) jer_57 at cox.net
Mon Oct 18 17:06:21 MST 2004

Googling for ""Star NX" 1020 ribbon price" turned up a lot of hits for 
ribbons via mail order.


Angus Scott-Fleming wrote:
> On 16 Oct 2004 at 13:57, Jeremy Gregorio wrote:
>>Or locally if that's possible. I've got an old Star NX 1020 rainbow in 
>>great condition, but need a ribbon. Any recommendations would be great. 
>>I guess lasers are finally so cheap businesses are switching, so I can't 
>>get cartridges locally anymore. Sucks.
> I just asked the folks at Laser Tech, who do laser-toner stuff 
> for me.  There's supposed to be a place called Ribbon Recyclers 
> but they don't know any more.  They said Pryde Business Systems 
> (google 'em) does a lot of old-printer stuff and may have 
> ribbons.  A google for "tucson ribbon recycle" turned up this 
> site: http://www.azink.com/aboutus.htm which has a local phone 
> number.
> --
> Angus Scott-Fleming
> GeoApps, Tucson, Arizona
> http://www.geoapps.com/
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