[Tfug] PCC Meetings 10/24/2004 & 12/19/2004 6:00PM

ewf erich at dakotacom.net
Sat Oct 16 19:21:26 MST 2004

Thanks Lewis,

              For hosting another TFUG  BYOB,  (I notice you're careful 
to clarify what
is meant by BYOB :-) )  We are aware of your heavy teaching schedule and
appreciate the time you donate to the cause.


Louis Taber wrote:

> Hi,
> Any topics someone wants to cover?
> What:  TFUG (Tucson Free Unix Group) general meeting.
>        [This would be a LUG (Linux Users Group) in most cities.]
> What:  BYOB (Bring your own box  [aka: computer]) meeting.
>        Internet access provided by wireless (802.11B) or
>        wired (10/100 Ethernet) connection.  This is limited at
>        about 10Mbit/second to the Internet.
>        The college also has a Debian mirror.  This may be accessible
>        through a wired connection, depending on how much interest
>        is expressed.
>        Some monitors (6?) and keyboards are also provided on a
>        first come first served basis.  One per person if someone
>        else wants one.  Also a few mice.  We now have power strips and
>        Ethernet cables.  The TFUG cable box has arrived at the West
>        campus.
> Who:   Anyone interested in Unix/BSD/Linux
> When:  Sunday October 24, 2004 6:00PM till about 10:00PM
>        No meeting in November at PCC.
>        Sunday December 19, 2004 6:00PM till about 10:00PM
> Where: Pima Community College, West Campus Cafeteria.
>        Ground floor of the "A", Santa Rita building.  The
>        most South West building on campus.  Enter near the
>        North East corner of the building on the lowest level.
> Wear:  The college may not air-condition/heat the building over
>        the weekend.  This has not been a problem so far.
> Drink: NO alcohol.  Other than that, bring your own or
>        use the local water fountain.  Vending machines are available.
>        (Ice Cream, soda, candy, snacks.)  Soda sometimes arrives with the
>        Pizza.
>   - Louis,  PCC host,  206-6850
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