[Tfug] PCC Meetings 10/24/2004 & 12/19/2004 6:00PM

Louis Taber ltaber at lt.tucson.az.us
Sat Oct 16 07:22:18 MST 2004


Any topics someone wants to cover?

What:  TFUG (Tucson Free Unix Group) general meeting.
        [This would be a LUG (Linux Users Group) in most cities.]

What:  BYOB (Bring your own box  [aka: computer]) meeting.
        Internet access provided by wireless (802.11B) or
        wired (10/100 Ethernet) connection.  This is limited at
        about 10Mbit/second to the Internet.

        The college also has a Debian mirror.  This may be accessible
        through a wired connection, depending on how much interest
        is expressed.

        Some monitors (6?) and keyboards are also provided on a
        first come first served basis.  One per person if someone
        else wants one.  Also a few mice.  We now have power strips and
        Ethernet cables.  The TFUG cable box has arrived at the West

Who:   Anyone interested in Unix/BSD/Linux

When:  Sunday October 24, 2004 6:00PM till about 10:00PM
        No meeting in November at PCC.
        Sunday December 19, 2004 6:00PM till about 10:00PM

Where: Pima Community College, West Campus Cafeteria.
        Ground floor of the "A", Santa Rita building.  The
        most South West building on campus.  Enter near the
        North East corner of the building on the lowest level.

Wear:  The college may not air-condition/heat the building over
        the weekend.  This has not been a problem so far.

Drink: NO alcohol.  Other than that, bring your own or
        use the local water fountain.  Vending machines are available.
        (Ice Cream, soda, candy, snacks.)  Soda sometimes arrives with the

   - Louis,  PCC host,  206-6850

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