[Tfug] Hacking from IBM's perspective

Derbe tfug@tfug.org
Tue Sep 17 21:59:01 2002

9AM -11AM

A.Chris Hilton wrote:

>On Mon, 16 Sep 2002 12:48:49 -0700
>"Angus Scott-Fleming" <angussf@geoapps.com> wrote:
>>I'd like to invite all of you to the S.Ariz.Infragard Meeting -- the
>>speaker will be discussing hacking from IBM's perspective.  Given
>>IBM's recent forays into Linux, it might be interesting from the
>>free-unix side as well.
>>------- Forwarded message follows -------
>>Subject:        	[igt] InfraGard Public Meeting - 18 September
>>2002 Date sent:      	Sun, 15 Sep 2002 10:19:18 -0700
>>On 18 September there will be an InfraGard Southern Arizona Public 
>>Meeting. The guest speaker will be Mr. Joshua Lackey, he is IBM's
>>Senior Ethical Hacker and he will be discussing hacking from IBM's
>>perspective. The meeting will be held at the Hispanic Chamber of
>>Commerce from 9:00 - 11:00. The address of the Hispanic Chamber of
>>Commerce is: 823 E. Speedway Blvd. (N. side of Speedway, just W. of
>>Park). As this is an open meeting, if you know others who may be
>>interested in attending, feel free to invite them. I look forward to
>>seeing you there. 
>>Mark R. Sands, Ph.D. 
>>InfraGard Southern Arizona
>>------- End of forwarded message -------
>Umm: AM or PM?
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