[Tfug] (Fwd) What's your favorite OS?

Angus Scott-Fleming tfug@tfug.org
Mon Sep 16 20:49:02 2002

Vote for Linux or *BSD here ...

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Date sent:      	Thu, 12 Sep 2002 23:27:06 -0400
Subject:        	[SFNL] Scot's Newsletter -- 9/12/2002
From:           	"Scot's Newsletter" <scot@scotsnewsletter.com>


................. snip ..........................


Almost exactly a year ago I published a reader poll asking what one 
operating system was likely to be your *next* primary OS. Windows XP 
was about to come out, Linux was on the rise (and still is), and Apple 
had an ambitious new OS in the works. It was an interesting time to ask 
the question:


What surprised me was that almost half of the 3,000 respondents said 
they expected to move to Windows XP sooner or later. At that time, I 
personally had no intention of moving to XP. Maybe Win2000, but not XP. 
So it was a real eye opener. Now I want to ask you a related but 
different question.

-- What's Your Current Operating System? --
There's a baker's dozen of answers below that one way or another should 
provide a catalog to identify your operating system. The links beside 
each entry are designed to automatically create an email message with 
your default email program (sorry, this won't work for everyone, but it 
works for many). Simply find your operating system, click its link, and 
send the message. If link doesn't work, I've provided details on how to 
send the message manually. Note: You must copy the subject line exactly 
as shown or your response may not be included.

I recognize that many people reading this newsletter have more than one 
operating system at their disposal. I'm not looking for multiple 
answers (although it's fine to give me those details in the body of the 
message). Instead, I want you to narrow down your operating system 
choice to the one you feel is your primary OS, the one you either use 
the most or like the best. It has to be an operating system that you 
have on the PC you use regularly at work, home, or school.

So, what's your primary operating system? Please choose only one 

1. Windows XP

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Windows_XP" (without quotation marks) 
in the subject line.

2. Windows 2000

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Windows_2000" (without quotation 
marks) in the subject line.

3. Windows Me

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Windows_Me" (without quotation marks) 
in the subject line.

4. Windows 98 Second Edition

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Windows_98SE" (without quotation 
marks) in the subject line.

5. Windows 98

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Windows_98" (without quotation marks) 
in the subject line.

6. Windows 95

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Windows_95" (without quotation marks) 
in the subject line.

7. Windows 3.x

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Windows_3x" (without quotation marks) 
in the subject line.

8. OS/2 (any version)

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "OS2" (without quotation marks) in the 
subject line.

9. Linux (any version)

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Linux" (without quotation marks) in 
the subject line.

10. Unix (any version)

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Unix" (without quotation marks) in 
the subject line.

11. Macintosh System (any version)

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Mac_System" (without quotation marks) 
in the subject line.

12. Macintosh OS X

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Mac_OSX" (without quotation marks) in 
the subject line.

13. Other (please explain in message)

Click the link above and send the message. Or create an email to 
poll@scotsnewsletter.com and put "Other_OS" (without quotation marks) 
in the subject line.


Thanks for taking the time to send me your message.

In an upcoming issue, I'll ask you to tell me what your next operating 
system will be. So hold off telling me about that until then.

................. snip ..........................


If you like this newsletter, please share it with friends and co-
workers, and encourage them to sign up! It's free. I don't believe in 
captive audiences, so you can unsubscribe at any time. Because I'm 
starting this newsletter from scratch, I need your help spreading the 
word. Please let somebody know.

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Scot's Newsletter subscription. Please remember to click the correct 
message format, Text or HTML.


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Shortly thereafter you will receive a Welcome message confirming your 

To Change Your Email Address via email, combine the two steps above. If 
you have trouble, I recommend the website Change Address page instead.

Please send comments, suggestions, or questions about this newsletter 
directly to me. Don't be bashful about telling me what you like or 
don't like!


Please address advertising inquires (only) to: 

-- S-C-O-T-S--N-E-W-S-L-E-T-T-E-R -------------------------------
Copyright © 2001-2002 Scot Finnie. All Rights Reserved.


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