Log-on as a normal user.Start X (startx).
Open an Xterm and switch to superuser (root) by typing su
at the prompt and putting in the root password when asked.As a superuser, type netcfg in prompt.
The Network Configurator will appear.
NetConfig has tabs, they will be the headings below:
Names: Hostname: Pusername.azstarnet.com
(capital P and then your username)Domain: azstarnet.com Nameservers:
Hosts: IP Name Nickname localhost localhost.localdomain
(these are literal)169.555.9.9 azstarnet azstarnet.com Highlight the ppp0 line and click edit:
Interfaces: Interface IP proto atboot active lo none yes active ppp0 none none (in)active (note: you should only have to add ppp0 if it's not there. The rest shown under IP, proto, atboot, active will be automatic)
Hardware: Check: use hardware flow... Check: Abort connection on well-.... Line Speed: 115200 Modem Port: /dev/modem PPP options: noipdefault.debug
Communication: Init: ATZ Dial: ATDT Number: 9184700 Expect Send sername: Pusername ord: your password TIMEOUT: 5 ~--
(that's tilde and two dashes)(nothing)
Networking: Check: set default route when... Check: Restart PPP when connection fails... leave everything else blank PAP tab: leave it alone.
Click Done.
Save configuration? click yesRouting tab (you're back to the Network Configurator main tabs now)
Routing: Default gateway: ppp0 (that's a zero) Default Gateway Device is: rdev/cuaX (Where X is zero, 0 for COM1,
1 for COM2,
2 for COM3, etc.)
Click SAVEWhen you want to log in, this is what you do:
Follow the instructions at the start of this tutorial for getting
to the Network Configuarator.Click the Interfaces tab
highlight the ppp0 line
Click Activate buttonYour modem should start dialing.
After you're connected you can run Netscape or Pine. You do this by
opening a new xterm and typing netscape or pine at the prompt.To hang up click the deactivate button on the Network Configurator
Good luck.