[Tfug] OpenVPN and routing help

John Gruenenfelder jetpackjohn at gmail.com
Tue Aug 2 14:49:37 MST 2016

Thanks for the advice.

Perhaps this is complicated by the lack of internal DNS on my home
network.  Currently, I can access my server from the Internet at large
as bebop.merseine.org thanks to a DynDNS.org account.  Unfortunately,
my home router is presently stuck on stock firmware until I get home.
This means that, say, to have my laptop be able to access bebop from
within the home network I had to add an entry to /etc/hosts so it uses
the internal IP address instead of the external IP as resolved by
other DNS servers.

Obviously, that same entry just causes problems when I'm *not*
connected to the internal network.  Once I get dd-WRT on my router
I'll have a lot more control over routing and DNS.  Then, I think, I
can have DNSmasq hand out different IPs for the same machine depending
on what network the request comes in on: one IP for the internal
network, a different IP for the VPN traffic.

At least, if I'm thinking about this the right way...  It's definitely
not safe to tinker with the routing and/or DNS when I don't have
physical access to the router or the server.  I don't want to cut off
my existing remote access accidentally.  :)

--John Gruenenfelder    Systems Manager, MKS Imaging Technology, LLC.
My various (fun) projects  --  https://bach.as.arizona.edu/~johng
"This is the most fun I've had without being drenched in the blood
of my enemies!"
        --Sam of Sam & Max

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