[Tfug] Question tres: Overbuffering overkill

Zack Breckenridge zbrdge at gmail.com
Thu Sep 4 02:58:38 MST 2014

Also, I'd like to add that Bunnie Huang, co-creator of the famous Novena
open laptop, has some very interesting looking technical blog posts on the
internals of SD cards, if youre interested. For example:


I've been inspired by this to go and read them :)

- Zack

On Thursday, September 4, 2014, Zack Breckenridge <zbrdge at gmail.com> wrote:
> First thought: did you check your dmesg output for write errors when you
were copying your music to the SD card? It sounds to me like this card is
faulty and you'll probably have to purchase a new one, unfortunately.
> You may also be able to go back and look through your /var/log/messages*
(or other syslog records) for some of that info as well if you want. Also,
you can try using the 'badblocks' utility to see how many sectors on the SD
card are showing up corrupted. You can apparently use the output of this
program (according to wikipedia) to create an ext2/3/4 filesystem that
skips those sectors. I've never actually tried this, so I'd be interested
in hearing your results if you do.
> As for your networking issue being related, that's a hard call. If you're
using GNOME with dbus and hal, etc, I could imagine some weird condition
where various utilities were trying to read from your SD card as you were
writing to it, possibly causing some kind of deadlock (especially if
there's bad sectors). And then also I'm sure corrupted disks and
filesystems are a great source of potential kernel issues as well.
> But then again, I'm really not a huge fan of Network Manager. Sometimes
its nice, but often I have to disable it completely and resort to
manual/static network configuration, e.g. in /etc/network/interfaces (on
Debian distros) or with a shell script even.
> Zack B.
> On Thursday, September 4, 2014, John Gruenenfelder <jetpackjohn at gmail.com>
>> Hello again TFUG,
>> And, once again, thank you for your advice on my VCS questions.  I have a
>> script/utility to write and began, as I usually would such things,
writing it
>> as a shell script.  Then I realized that I'm attempting to learn Python
>> this would be an excellend opportunity.  Not overly complex and
something that
>> Python should excell at.  At the same time, I figure this is also a good
>> opportunity to experiment with Git and see what all the fuss is about.
>> thanks for that.
>> And now for my third question.  This has to do with, I believe, an
>> excessive amount of I/O buffering being done by the system as I attempt
>> copy approximately 9 GB of data from my super fast SSD to a microSD card
>> (plugged into my laptops SD card slot via an adapter).
>> I, of course, don't have a problem with the system buffering and caching
>> to improve performance, but in this case it is actually causing the whole
>> system to become broken, most directly my wireless network connections.
>> For whatever reason, my Android phone decided to eat my microSD card
>> it unmountable under Android as well as under Linux.  I don't know
>> what it did, the partitions were still there as was enough FS metadata
for the
>> kernel to have some idea of what type of FS was present, but try as I
might I
>> could not mount them.  So I wiped the thing, recreated the two file
>> and Android still wasn't happy.  So I let it format the card, and then
>> Linux to shrink the vfat partition and remake the layout as it was
>> Now Android was happy enough.  The next step was to put all the data
back on
>> the card and this is where the buffering issues appeared.
>> The data in question was my music collection.  From the command prompt I
>> something along the lines of a "cp -a" to copy all of the files and
>> Immediately, pages and pages of "copy src to dest" (I had used the
>> switch) flew across the terminal.  Obviously there was no way it could
>> data to the card that rapidly so I assumed that it had simply read all of
>> these source files into the FS cache in memory.  After that, the messages
>> slowed as the data was steadily, and slowly, written to the card.
>> Unfortunately, for reasons I am completely unsure about, this caused
>> problems with my ongoing network connections.  At the time I was SSHd
into two
>> other machines, one on my LAN and the other on the Internet.  I also had
>> browser open.  While this super-buffered copy was going on, I began to
>> enormous latencies in my SSH connections.  Occasionally they would
respond in
>> a semi-timely manner, but most of the time I would get no respose at all.
>> Eventually, both connections were dropped due to, I believe, timeouts or
>> packet loss.  At the same time I was also unable to browse to any web
pages or
>> establish any new SSH connections.  My NFS connection to that same
computer on
>> my LAN also timed out and eventually the automounter decided the remote
>> machine was unavailable.
>> To make things a little worse, when the file copying was finally done,
>> network didn't recover.  Using Gnome's network manager, I turned off
>> waited a few seconds, then turned it back on.  When it reconnected to
the AP
>> it once again behaved properly.
>> Back in the "old days", I can remember poor/spotty system performance
when the
>> system would be bogged down by really heavy I/O, but that usually meant
>> copying large volumes of data from one HDD to another or from one HDD to
>> another area on the same HDD.  The data rates were much higher, the
disks were
>> much slower, and system performance suffered.  In this case, however,
the rest
>> of the system never skipped a beat.  The disk in question is an SSD, so
>> max possible data rate is much higher and with SATA uses a lot less
>> resources than those older drives.  In this case, the much slower write
>> of the SD card was the limiting factor.
>> Fortunately, this isn't something I do frequently, but it is still
>> and I'd to have some idea of why it happened and if there is anything I
>> do/configure to make it better.  If it helps, I'm not using the normal
>> scheduler, "cfq".  Rather, after reading some things on the Net about
>> optimizing for SSD systems, I'm using the "deadline" scheduler.  If I
>> correctly, cfq has a lot of code that worries about optimizing for seek
>> and platter locations, details which have no meaning with an SSD.
>> this has had some unforseen consequences.
>> Anybody have any ideas?
>> As an aside, Android still isn't particularly happy with my SD card.  It
>> mounts it fine now, and does seem to have any problem reading the data
>> it, but if I look at it with a file manager, the root directory is full
of a
>> bunch of zero byte nonsense files, most with the same bizarre name: the
>> capital letter omega.  Hmmm...
>> And for another aside, something I did pick up while trying to research
>> had to do with NFS performance.  I haven't been at all happy with it and
I had
>> assumed that perhaps it was due to poor configuration on my part.  Turns
>> it is simply wifi.  NFS (or, apparently, most any networked file system)
>> not play well with wifi no matter how good the quality of your
connection.  It
>> is simply very inefficient and there's not much you can do about it.  So
>> least I can stop trying to "solve" that particular problem...
>> Thanks again!
>> --
>> --John Gruenenfelder    Systems Manager, MKS Imaging Technology, LLC.
>> Try Weasel Reader for PalmOS  --  http://weaselreader.org
>> "This is the most fun I've had without being drenched in the blood
>> of my enemies!"
>>         --Sam of Sam & Max
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