[Tfug] And another one down

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 15 01:34:38 MST 2013

On 9/13/2013 8:07 PM, Bender wrote:

>    I received three OEM drives from Newegg within six months time. They all
> were wrapped with a layer of big bubble wrap taped over static shielded bags
> the drives were in . Then this was inside the shipping box with peanuts.
>    no problems.

"peanuts" ("cheetos", etc.) are not a very good packing method.
They "fill space" but can shift/settle.

If you really want to ship robustly, you put 2 inches of "foam"
around the item on all sides as the outermost "shell".

E.g., I'm thinking of ebay-ing an ASR-33 I have, here.  Shipping
is the b*tch for things like this (fragile plastic case but heavy
"mechanism" inside).  Once "packed", I figure I can just lay a sheet
of mylar/plastic over the unit and fill the case with expanding
foam (for that "2 inch shell")

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