[Tfug] "Blade" servers

Bexley Hall bexley401 at yahoo.com
Sun Jul 14 20:24:11 MST 2013


My automation/multimedia system is designed as a physically
distributed, loosely coupled collection of (physical) processors
intercommunicating by way of various high-speed wired/wireless
network media.  All, save one, are diskless.  All are headless.

Most of these processors are "satellite" nodes servicing particular
bits of "field" devices (i.e., cameras, speakers, irrigation valves,
appliance controls, etc.).  They provide a means for remotely locating
the I/O's for relatively low cost (no need to run hundreds of long
wires from all these I/O's to one central machine).  I.e., put a
little smarts on the end of a network drop and *encode* the command
and status information as *messages* over that medium.

A similar number of processors reside *in* the "switch" (more
appropriately called a router).  These ensure the integrity of
communications going through the system (i.e., *who* can say
*what* to *whom*).  They also support powering their respective
satellite nodes on/off (PoE) as dictated by the needs of the system.

The remaining processors are colocated (currently) in a cluster
and provide the heavier-weight services that the system requires
(RDBMS, media transcoding, time synchronization, localization, etc.).
The resources available to these nodes are an order of magnitude
greater than those of the satellites (e.g., GHz vs 100's of MHz;
GB's vs MB's; 100+W vs 10W; etc.)  But, there are far fewer of
them (e.g., a dozen vs. several dozen satellites and a couple score
in the "router").

So, while they can "do more" (per MIPS?), it also costs a lot more
to *do* it (power, radiated heat, etc.).  Powering up/down one of
these bigger processors has greater consequences -- and potential

*All* of the satellite/router processors have spare capacity.
This capacity is used to run bits of the application (i.e.,
the processor's don't *just* serialize/deserialize messages
to/from the network). "What runs where" varies, dynamically,
based on the system's needs.  (i.e., a Grid)

[I've now amply described "what I am trying to do", eh?]

I rescued an old (ancient?) "BladeCenter" as a test platform
to see how well my multimedia/automation system "scales" for
use in, e.g., business/commercial settings (i.e., the hardware
that I have designed is intended for homes -- 2 to 4 users -- and
wouldn't scale well to locations with dozens/hundreds of users.
Nor am I inclined to start designing hardware that competes with
COTS commercial offerings... like blade servers!  :> )

As with anything from Big Blue, part numbers *effectively* have
more digits than letters in the alphabet -- by the time you finish
specifying all the scads of options!  :<

What I am looking for is an "overview" document that is something
like a "programming model" would be to a programmer -- something
that gives me an overall view of what such a system looks like in
terms of hardware interconnects, etc.  I.e., can I power down
individual blades or do I just have to idle nodes that I want
to "burn less power"?  Can blades be added at will to increase
the available MIPS?  Does the chassis do any load balancing or
is that up to the application?  etc.

I am not *too* concerned with the specifics on the box I currently
have.  It's disposable (I would never deploy anything this power
hungry, here!)  Rather, I'm looking to figure out what sorts of
products of this sort are available COTS.  I.e., are they all
just different versions of the same basic design?  Or, do different
companies have different approaches to this sort of product?

[I've seen "blade servers" in various physical form factors and
assumed it was just a "packaging convenience".  I've never looked
at most of them to see *what* the individual blades' capabilities

Do developers think of each blade as a node sitting on the network
talking directly with "clients"?  Or, do they think that they are
talking to an intermediary who, in turn, is talking to the clients?
(Or, do they think one thing but reality is slightly different!)

I.e., how "specialized" are developers (end users) working on a
"Product A platform" vs those working on a "Product B platform"?
I would assume the design of the system tries to hide much of
these underlying issues from the application developers (?)
(i.e., a developer would probably not be concerned with *where*
his code was executing??)

Lastly, any pointers as to where "mainstream business" is going
with these sorts of devices (customers)?  Changes in architecture
that might be coming down the road??  Or, will all this "go away"
for all but big "Internet Presences"?


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