[Tfug] Patch panels

Nick Lopez nick at the.glowingmonkey.org
Fri Aug 31 00:48:53 MST 2012

On 2012-08-27 21:04, Bexley Hall wrote:
> As well as stroking my symmetry obsession  :>
    Why not mount two 48-port panels vertically on the sides of the
closet? Maybe with 45 degree ports for easy of access. Your normal 2/3U
wall brackets might need a little support on the bottom when mounted
vertically but it should work, and it'll be a nice symmetrical cascade
of cable down to the patch panels, then they can remerge into a
waterfall of patches into the switch.

BTW, 50-60 drops is a hell of a lot for a house, I'm only up to 8 for
far counting coax as well, and a USB, but I do have all my network
equipment mounted on plywood in the laundry room.

    - nick

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