[Tfug] Tablets

John Kiniston johnkiniston at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 19:51:02 MST 2012

On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 6:39 PM, Bexley Hall <bexley401 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> "Stop working" as in *break*?  Or, stop working as in
> having a dependence on a service that may not be eternally
> available?
> The later, The devices rely on the servers to do, well everything. The
apps are downloaded to the Chumby on boot and run locally but a lot of them
are fed from the chumby.com backend servers ( Well I read they are S3 based

> > I've got a Chumby One (3.5 Inch Cube) on my nightstand
> > as the worlds best alarm clock and radio.
> No, the world's best alarm clock is waking up when your body wants
> you to do so -- no sooner!  ;-)
Wish I could do that, But as it is having a configurable alarm is great.

> > Inside they look like this: http://adafruit.com/products/278
> Ah, I've been reading these posts and web pages and confusing myself!
> These are *different* devices!  E.g., the processor in the Insignia
> device is more capable than this predecessor (?)
> I see 450MHz, 64MB... then 800MHz, 128MB, etc.  OK, I think I've
> got it sorted out, now  <:-(
Oh, Sorry!  I thought I specified that it was a family of devices, Yeah
they vary.

> Unless they've done something brain-damaged in the driver, that
> should still give you several thousand points on each of the X and
> Y axis and a reasonably quick update rate.  Can't see how that
> would be a real problem (?)  I will have to try to relocate the
> "complaint" I found previously and see if there was any more detail
> available.
> I've never had any problems with mine for what it's worth.

> And, probably buy one and play with it.  Easier than speculating...
> Thanx!
> --don
I watched some Youtube video's on mine back when I got it, They played OK,
Never tried anything else as my One has the 3.5 inch 320x240 display so
it's not really suited for Video.
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